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位于中国北方的城市银川的一所医院的方案设计. 该项目总建筑面积12万平方米,坐落在城市的中心地区,与周边的图书馆,学校和住宅区连接在一起. 呈矩形规划的建筑体提供了一个中央庭院, 旨在为病人和造访者提供一处安静轻松的户外环境, 用来放松和相互交流.

Design of a private Hospital in the city of YinChuan in North China. The 120.000m2 unit is located in the center of the city, adjacent to a library, a primary school and residential areas. The rectangular building volumes are organized around a central courtyard that aims to provide to patients and visitors a quiet space where they can relax and interact.


Front view of the hospital from the main street access point. The volumetric arrangement represents the different functional areas of the hospital.


On the back side of the hospital the massing and heights of the building's volumes are lighter, in order to create a more comfortable and human-scale environment for the Obstetrics and Gynecology departments.


The internal courtyard is the quiet and protected area where patients can interact with each other and their families, protected from the noisy surroundings.


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地点:宁夏银川市兴庆区上海东路1063号  邮编:750001  电话:0951-4104480